Cell Phone & Personal Electronic Device Use Policy

Cell Phones & Personal Electronic Devices

We understand that in the high tech society in which we live, students have cell phones. If a student brings their phone to school, it must be kept in a safe place (backpack) and turned off as soon as the student is dropped off in the morning. If a cell phone is seen, used, or heard during the school day, it will be considered a violation of our cell phone policy.

Our cell phone & personal electronic device policy is:

  • 1st violation: Phone and/or device confiscated and taken to the office for student pick up

  • 2nd violation: Phone and/or device confiscated and taken to the office for student’ parent to pick-up and a lunch detention is assigned

  • 3rd violation: Phone and/or device confiscated and taken to the office for student’s parent to pick-up and an after school detention will be assigned

  • 4th violation: Will be deemed defiance and result in an off campus suspension of one or more days.

Please note that phones will only be returned directly to the student for the 1st violation. Subsequent violations require a parent, guardian, or older sibling (if sibling is responsible for picking up student) to pick-up the student’s phone.

Smart Watches: These items can be used on campus as a watch/time keeping device only. If a student is found to be texting or using their watch for other reasons, it will be confiscated according to the cell phone & personal electronic device policy listed above.

Special Note: The Byron Union School District reserves the right to search any cell phone brought to school and used during class time or on campus in violation of our cell phone use policy as outlined in this handbook. Inappropriate verbal or text messages, pictures or other material found on the phone may be grounds for disciplinary action. Inappropriate verbal or text messages, pictures, videotaping or other materials includes, but is not limited to: harassing statements or any communication that creates a hostile environment based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or disability, discriminatory statements, sexual statements or pictures, and messages to organize activities that may cause harm to any students, involve drugs and/or alcohol, or that spreads false information about any other student or employee of the school district.

**If a cell phone or any electronic device is damaged, BUSD will not be responsible**